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We have served hundreds of companies, vertical industries, covering the global resources to provide marketing planning and other solutions.

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This website and its contents (including but not limited to text, images, logos, video, audio, software, code and other materials) are owned or legally authorized for use by Shanghai Leverage Marketing Planning Co. Without the prior written permission of the Company, no one is allowed to copy, modify, transmit, distribute, show, publish, authorize or otherwise use any of the contents of this website in any form or by any means.


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Application of the law

This copyright notice applies to the laws of the People's Republic of China. Any dispute arising from or in connection with this copyright notice shall be submitted to the people's court with jurisdiction in the place where the company is located for settlement.

contact details

If you have any questions about this copyright notice or need further information, please contact us at:

Shanghai Leverage Marketing Planning Co.
Address: Fengxian District, Shanghai
Tel: +86-137-6139-1833

modification rights

The Company reserves the right to modify this copyright notice at any time. The revised statement will be posted on this website and will be effective from the date of posting. Please review this Copyright Notice periodically to ensure that you are aware of the latest rights and obligations.

Thank you for visiting the website of Shanghai Lend Leverage Marketing Planning Co., Ltd. and for abiding by this copyright statement.

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